Sunday, August 16, 2009

A little worried....

My BFFL, Cindy, has decided to run away to St. John USVI and take 40 of her closest friends and family with her. Unfortunately, a Category 3 hurricane has decided to come along for the ride. I have to admit, I'm not thrilled about flying through tropical storms and hurricaines to an island in the middle of the ocean, but I found myself glued to the weather channel at the gym this morning thinking "it's a week away - what do they know?" I mean, I guess they get paid the big bucks for some level of knowledge, but if they're anything like RI weathermen, they don't know what's going on from one minute to the next. Let's hope we don't blow away in a hurricane!

Friday, January 16, 2009

What is a Guster?

Bavarian Boarhound? Irish Wolf Hound? Alien from the planet Liptonn? We don't quite know. We do know he's a rescue dog from Arkansas, he doesn't bark, chew, or sit on the furniture. He's a human in a dog suit. He loves everyone (except Dave's parents and especially Michelle's parents), and is impervious to snow and cold. The one think we do know is that he IS a rockstar!

Friday, January 9, 2009

I'm Back!!

So, a new year means new year's resolutions. Mine - be a little better with blogging, even if I'm the only one that reads it. We have a lot to look forward to this year - Going to Vegas in Feb, and one of my very best friends is getting married in August. We've taken a few months off of our infertility treatments to relax, regroup, save money and loose weight.