Sunday, September 30, 2007

Light the Night Walk

Last night, my mom and I did the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Light the Night walk in Providence, RI. Between the both of us, we raised almost $900 for the organization. It had great energy, and over 1,000 people participated. At 7 pm, they shut down Blackstone Blvd and we were led by bagpipes. A leasurely 2 1/2 mile walk - Mom had a hard time towards the end, but she did it! It was quite a sight seeing a sea of illuminated red balloons (supporters) spotted with white balloons (survivors). There was a survivor tent where my mom had her picture taken and a blurb written about her. You really see how many people this cancer touches. There were people were were diagnosed anywhere between 3 years old and 60 years old. It was a great experience, and my mom got so much out of it.

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