Friday, November 23, 2007

Ireland - land of 10,000 roundabouts

Girls weekend in Ireland kicked ass!! After landing in Shannon, we hopped in a clown car (Fiat) and drove all around County Clare and the Burren. We proceeded to go to Waterford the next day, then to County Cork on day 2. Day 3 was County Galway, and day 4 was in Dublin. We pretty much did west, south, and east Ireland. We underestimated the size of the country, but we considered it a scouting mission. We know we loved west Ireland, and would go back in a heartbeat. Lots of driving, lots of laughing, and lots of hitting things with our car. Like I said, it was perfect!

Then, I was lucky enough to go to Marco Island, Florida straight from Ireland to go to a medical conference. Dave met me down there, and we sat on the beach and drank fruity girly drinks (well, I did anyway - he had manly beer). See, the benefit of not having kids yet is the ability to be such a globe trotter. I learned a bunch of important medical stuff while Dave caught up on much needed sleep. It's hard to believe that a week ago I had this view from my room, and now I'm on a triptophan high from my mom's turkey in 37 degree weather.
I miss the south.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Earnest George Blade 1918-2007

Today was the memorial service for my Great Uncle Ernie. He had a long life, joined the Navy, met a "special friend" with whom he lived with for almost 70 years. After the Navy, he became a farmer, then a chef. He was always so spunky! When I went to see him this summer in Pa, he was sick with cancer, in pain, and just pissed at the world - but would still crack a joke. Luckily, the Blade's have the long life gene. My Aunt Bertha is will be 98 this January, and my Aunt Edna is 94 - up until the past couple of years, my Aunt Edna would volunteer at a nursing home to "cheer up the old folks." Of course, the 'old folks' were 10-15 years younger than her. It's a shame families only tend to get together during weddings and funerals.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Light the Night Walk

Last night, my mom and I did the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Light the Night walk in Providence, RI. Between the both of us, we raised almost $900 for the organization. It had great energy, and over 1,000 people participated. At 7 pm, they shut down Blackstone Blvd and we were led by bagpipes. A leasurely 2 1/2 mile walk - Mom had a hard time towards the end, but she did it! It was quite a sight seeing a sea of illuminated red balloons (supporters) spotted with white balloons (survivors). There was a survivor tent where my mom had her picture taken and a blurb written about her. You really see how many people this cancer touches. There were people were were diagnosed anywhere between 3 years old and 60 years old. It was a great experience, and my mom got so much out of it.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Welcome to Bawston!!

Boston - what a great city! We woke up this morning, and seeing as we have the day off, no kids, no dog, and pretty much nothing holding us back, we took a day trip to Boston. Aquarium, Freedom Trail, Quincy Market. We started it off with a Festival - an eco-friendly, organic, green festival. Right up my alley! We saw cars run on corn, cabinets made from formaldehyde free, organic completely renewable wood, windmills, and a small vehicle which looked a lot like those clear hamster balls you put your hamster in and let him run around your living room. The car, however, actually got 100 mpg and was rumored to have climbed Mt. Washington. I find that very hard to believe, seeing you had to be about the size of a hamster to fit in it.

So we went to Quincy Market, which was great for people watching. We started on the Freedom Trail. Whoever was the absolute genius who thought of putting the red line thoughout the city to follow for the Freedom Trail is my personal hero! No getting lost, no missing turns - just follow the red brick line!

We enjoyed the aquarium and the IMAX was a welcome break to just sit down and not think for 45 minutes. We saw the 3D shark adventure, the next best thing to snorkeling without the embarrassing bathing suits and annoying seaweed in unmentionable places.

We finished the day with a nice dinner at Legal Seafood, and 1 1/2 hour subway/train ride home and dessert with Marina and Jon at Pastishe, and fancy schmancy dessert restaurant on Federal Hill. Good dessert, great company, and a fantastic end to a fantastic day.